Until 150 Burpee Box Jumps (24″20″) are completed:
(1) AMRAP in 4 minutes
24/18 Calorie Bike
24 Deadlifts 185#/135#
Max Burpee Box Jumps in remaining time
-Rest 1 minute-
(2) AMRAP in 4 minutes
200m Run (together)
16 Power Cleans 185#/135#
Max Burpee Box Jumps in remaining time
-Rest 1 minute-
Time Cap: 30 minutes (i.e. 6 total AMRAPs)
Alternate between each AMRAP
Ideally, you will have 90+ seconds to complete max Burpee Box Jumps
BBJ – burpee box step-ups
CrossFit Distinction is the place to help you achieve your goals and kick start that lifestyle change you've been looking for!
Location: 23500 Mercantile Rd, Beachwood, OH, United States
Phone: (216) 245 6560
Email: info@crossfitdistinction.com
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