CrossFit – Thu, Jan 5


CFD – CrossFit



Metcon (Time)

For time

1500m Row

-Rest 3 min-


6 Sets

250m Row

-Rest 1 min between sets & 3 TOTAL min after the last set-


1500m Row
Score: total time to complete the given work, including rest

Goal: <29 minutes
Time cap: 35 minutes



Zots Press (3-3-3)

New set every 90 seconds

Increasing weight each set

From the floor or rack

Snatch Balance (2-2-2-2)

New set every 2 minutes

Increasing weight each set

Preferably from the rack, but can be performed from the floor

Power Snatch (5 x 1+1)

1 Power Snatch w/ a 2 second pause at the knee and in the catch + 1 Power Snatch

New set every 2 minutes

Increasing weight each set

Metcon (No Measure)

[Optional Accessory]
Butterfly Pull-ups

Min 1: 45 Second Hollow Rock

Min 1: 44 Second Superman Hold

Min 2-5: 3×10 Box Assisted Butterfly Pull-ups

-With one foot supported on the box, mimic the butterfly pull-up SLOWLY. This should not be taxing on the lats, but allow you to feel the motion

Min 5-7:2x8Butterfly Pull-ups Starting and pausing at the top of the rep

Min 7-9: 3×8 Butterfly Pull-ups starting with VERY small circles and gradually getting bigger

-Chin will NOT go above the bar on any of the reps

Min 9-12: Butterfly Pull-ups

Open Gym

All Day

By Crossfit Distinction May 21, 2023
Metcon EMOM for 15 minutes (1) 10-15 Calorie Bike (2) 15-20 Russian KBS,heavy (3) 10-15 Calorie Bike (4) 3-5 Deadlifts @ 70%-80% of 1RM (5) Rest :Grade your own effort If your body is sore, keep the weights lighter today and try to achieve more calories on the bike. Accessory 3 Sets 10 Weighted Ring Rows, heavy 10 Weighted Ring Rows, light 10 Ring Rows -Rest as needed between sets-
By Crossfit Distinction May 21, 2023
Strength Thruster 1 Rep every 30 seconds for 30 Rounds From the floor Aim for the same weight across all sets If too light, increase; if too heavy, decrease Metcon AMRAP in 15 minutes 3-5-7 Clean 135#/95# Sit-ups (2x) - After each 3-5-7, perform 30 Air Squats Score: Total reps completed for the workout Goal: 3+ rounds GHDs, Abmat Sit-ups & Abmat Sit-ups with weight are all considered Rx
By Crossfit Distinction May 21, 2023
Strength Thruster 1 Rep every 30 seconds for 30 Rounds From the floor Aim for the same weight across all sets If too light, increase; if too heavy, decrease Metcon AMRAP in 15 minutes 3-5-7 Clean 135#/95# Strict HSPU *After each 3-5-7, perform 15 Sit-ups Score: Total reps completed for the workout Goal: 3+ rounds GHDs, Abmat Sit-ups & Abmat Sit-ups with weight are all considered Rx Modifications: SHSPU - Abmat, Abmat + plate, DB Shoulder Press
By Crossfit Distinction May 21, 2023
Strength Bench Press (5-5-3-3-1-1)  New set every 2 minutes Increasing weight each set Metcon AMRAP in 7 minutes 30 C2B 45 Calorie Row Max pull-ups in remaining time Score: total reps completed for the workout Goal: 1+ minute for max pull-ups Modifications: C2B - pull-ups, banded/jumping pull-ups, ring rows
By Crossfit Distinction April 24, 2023
Metcon 2 Rounds for Time 1200m Run 80 Reverse Lunge Steps 40 Burpee Pull-ups Goal: 21 - 24 minutes Modifications: Burpee Pull-ups - Burpee Ring Rows  Accessory [Optional] 3 Sets, not for time 100' DB Gun Walk 10 Alternating DB Curls 20 Banded Tricep Pull-Downs -Rest as needed between sets-
By Crossfit Distinction April 24, 2023
Cardio Strength EMOM for 9 minutes 3 Power Cleans + 3 Front Squats + 3 Jerks Into... EMOM for 9 minutes 2 Power Cleans + 2Front Squats + 2 Jerks Into... EMOM for 9 minutes 1 Power Cleans + 1Front Squats + 1Jerks  Record heaviest weight lifted in each EMOM in the below sections Increase weight every 3 sets Aim to hang on to the bar for the entire complex Power Clean + Front Squat + Jerk (Score for 3 Reps of each) Power Clean + Front Squat + Jerk (Score for 2 Reps of each) Power Clean + Front Squat + Jerk (Score for 1 Reps of each)
By Crossfit Distinction April 24, 2023
Metcon 3 Sets 21-15-9 Calorie Row Box Jumps 24"/20" Sit-ups -Rest 3 minutes between sets- Score: Time to complete the given work (including rest) Sit-ups can be GHDs, abmats or abmats + med ball Preferably step-down from each box jump to avoid rebounding. Modifications: Box Jumps - Step-ups Accessory 3-4 Sets, not for time 10 Ring Rows (tempo) 10 GHD Hip Extensions (tempo) -Rest as needed between sets- Tempo on the ring rows: 3 second hold at top & 3 second negative Tempo on the GHD hip extensions: 3 second hold at top & 3 second negative
April 24, 2023
Warm-up General: Line Drills- High knees, but kicks, skip, lateral lunge, Spider-Man lunge, bear crawl, leg kicks, burpee broad jump - Specific: Tabata Scap push ups Bear crawl stance shoulder taps - 5:00 Build to starting Bench Press (3 Waves of 3-2-1) New set every 2 minutes Suggested Waves Percentages: 5@ 80% 3@ 85% 1@ 90% 5@ 85% 3@ 90% 1@ 95% 5@ 90% 3@ 95% 1@ 100+% Metcon (4 Rounds for reps) 4 Sets AMRAP in 3 minutes of 4 Single-Arm Devil's Press (1x50#/35#) 6 Push-ups 8 Air Squats -Rest 1 minute between AMRAPs- Score: Total reps completed for the workout Modifications: Push-ups - from the knees; hand-release
By Crossfit Distinction April 17, 2023
Weightlifting Zots Press (3-3-3) 4 minutes to complete From the floor Increasing weight each set (small) Power Snatch (2 Reps Every 30 Seconds for 15 Sets)  Same weight across all 15 set Aim for roughly 80% of 1RM Power Snatch Metcon (Time) For time Buy-in: 58/48 Calorie Row Into... [3-5-8-13] Muscle-ups [6-10-16-26] Strict HSPU Goal: 14-17 minutes Modifications: Muscle-ups - Decrease reps; 2x C2B; 2x Pull-ups; 2 x Ring Rows Strict HSPU - Kipping (last resort); abmat; abmat + plate; Pike push-ups; shoulder press
By Crossfit Distinction April 17, 2023
Weightlifting Bench Press (3 Waves) New set every 2 minutes Suggested Wave % 5@ 75% 3@ 80% 1@ 85% 5@ 80% 3@ 85% 1@ 90% 5@ 85% 3@ 90% 1@ 95% Metcon (3 Rounds for reps) 3x AMRAP in 3 minutes (No rest in-between) (1) 20 Wall Balls 20#/14#; 20 Box Jumps 24"/20"; Max KBS 53#/35# in remaining time (2) 20 Box Jumps; 20 KBS; Max Wall Balls in remaining time (3) 20 KBS; 20 Wall Balls; Max Box Jumps in remaining time  Score: total reps completed for the workout Modifications: Box Jumps - Step-ups
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