250m Row
20 Hand release push up
250m Ski
20 Air squat
500m Bike
10 Burpee
Mobility: Couch stretch 1:00E
Quadruped thoracic 10E side
Spider-Man lunge-> bend and bow-> squat to stand
Every :45 x3-4
Rope climb practice: 1 pull or work on footing
5 Wall balls + bike remainder of time
3x AMRAP in 6minutes (18 minutes total – no rest in between)
(1) 3 Rope Climbs; 30 Wall Balls; Max Calorie Bike in remaining time
(2) 30 Wall Balls; 30/24 Calorie Bike; Max Rope Climbs in remaining time
(2) 30/24 Calorie Bike; 3 Rope Climbs; Max Wall Balls in remaining time
Score: Total reps completed in the workout
Goal: 1+ minute for max repititions
Rope Climbs – 1/2 climbs; rope pull + toes to rope; 3x burpee pull-ups
3 Sets, not for time
8-12 Double DB Bench Press
8-12 Strict Dips
Max Unbroken Banded Flies
CrossFit Distinction is the place to help you achieve your goals and kick start that lifestyle change you've been looking for!
Location: 23500 Mercantile Rd, Beachwood, OH, United States
Phone: (216) 245 6560
Email: info@crossfitdistinction.com
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